Monday, April 5, 2010

Why don't we have Varnasrama dharma in ISCKON where are the Ksatriyas???

This system really needs to be in Place for ISCKON and roles really need to be clarified. Right now Vaisyas and sudras still running things and you can tell the position of people buy what they are interested in and how they run and directed a community.

In Varnasrama society all members are equally important. An analogy comparing the social body to the human body is given to explain this. The brahmanas are the head of the body as they possess the intelligence and give directions to the other parts of the body.

The ksatriyas are likened to the arms of the body as their business as administrators and the military is to protect the social body from threats from outside (attacks from enemies) and disruption from within. (Thieves and rogues).

The social body should work as a coordinated unit with different members of the society acting in their respective positions as brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras according to their qualities. The result will be a happy, peaceful and efficient society.

Although all members of the social body are important, as the brahmanas are the intelligent class directing society by giving guidance and advice to the king or government (ksatriyas), it is vital that they be properly qualified.

I think now what is missing are ksatriyas people who follow the Brahmanas and have a no nonsense policy! Srila Prabhupada said this movement is to make first class people and that there is now As there are many Guru in ISKCON who are 1st class but now finding the Ksatriyas is key for growth and a no nonsense system!

YS Ryan Lowseck


Madhava Gosh said...

“Without protection of cows, brahminical culture cannot be maintained; and without brahminical culture, the aim of life cannot be fulfilled.”

Srimad Bhagavatam 8.24.5

As long as devotees drink milk from cows that will be slaughtered without offsetting it by supporting cow protection, Varna ashram will never manifest.

VA is based on protection, and if devotees sate their tongue on milk from the most defenseless member of society without protecting cows, any theory or attempt will fail.

Ryan said...

without Ksatriyas We will not have cow Protection! They are the one who will push for all of this!

Madhava Gosh said...

That is a copout of personal responsibility. Everyone who consumes cow milk products has a a personal responsibility and waiting for someone else to step up means lack of personal integrity IMHO.

When the people lead, the leaders will follow. When they is enough of a demographic concerned about cow protection, leaders will emerge.

Ryan said...

thats funny your statement is in direct opposition to Krishna teaching sorry I follow Krishna words not yours!
BG 3.21: Whatever action a great man performs, common men follow. And whatever standards he sets by exemplary acts, all the world pursues.

Unknown said...

How is it a contradiction?

Your basic premise is there are no ksatriyas, ergo no great men to follow. No standards are being set by exemplary acts. Then what choice do we have?

It is the Kali Yuga. "In the present age of darkness, which is known as the Kali-yuga, the age of quarrel, hypocrisy, and ignorance, virtually everyone is born a sudra."

>>> Ref. VedaBase => MoG 2: Karma-yoga

So the ksatriyas don't exist to show the way, and my main point is that to do nothing and wait for someone else to lead the way is a copout. Step up yourself.

Ryan said...

Firstly Yes I agree with you that we all must stand and set the examples. Secondly Do you know me? To say I don't set examples without knowing me is an incorrect statement! Thirdly we follow principles that we must abide by for an example we must follow Guru and leaders, So it is up to those in-charge at the present moment to begin this process. for anyone under them would be seen as a trouble maker! Hare krishna