Monday, February 16, 2009


One of the reasons i became a devotee of lord Krishna was the a ability of standing firm to the Bhakti process while seeing other paths as part of krishna's plans to help everyone out of this mess we put ourselves in, depending where ones consciousness is. After talking to many other persons on other paths for over two weeks now I know why I hated Religions in the first place and why I never wanted to be apart of them. This is the only process that can explain other processes of the world, in a way that is logical and commonsensical. What I've heard in the last week in a lot of other paths is the inability to explain why other processes exist without putting them down and trying to rip them apart. Even trying to find the commonness between us like compassion for all, Karma and for some reincarnation, the most I get is you're the devil trying to convert us [christians] there's nothing in common between "my" buddhism and "your" Hinduism [Buddhism] "like i own Hinduism" There are some people willing to listen and talk on other groups but usually they become over shadowed by the others who are not so into finding a common understanding between us. This to me was an experiment on other paths and where people are at in their beliefs. Not much has changed!!! This view is the Bad dogma I have always hated in religions, everyone has to accept a Dogma, but the Dogma that can unite, is one that is in accordance with all the scriptures of the world not including the satanic scripture. And a Dogma that causes separation, alienation, hatred and disunity is one that has nothing to do with any of the scriptures of the world. I have a better understanding where most religious people are at now. And all i can say is thank you Krishna for allowing me to see your words.

raja-vidya raja-guhyam
pavitram idam uttamam
pratyaksavagamam dharmyam
su-sukham kartum avyayam


This knowledge is the king of education, the most secret of all secrets. It is the purest knowledge, and because it gives direct perception of the self by realization, it is the perfection of religion. It is everlasting, and it is joyfully performed


Unknown said...

Please read my letter called "Why I am leaving ISKCON"

Your servant,
Caitanya dasa

Ryan said...

Yes I read your post Prabhuji Too much politics for me. And yes i can understand that there is nasty people in ISKCON I've met one or two but there are many beautiful devotees as well, its them I stay focus on. I will not allow any one to use me unless I know they are truly serving Krishna and Prabhupada mission. But it was His wish that Iskcon be the main house for devotees. So those who are good should stay and help hold the house up, even when there are others trying to pul it down. Good luck to you prabhu.