Saturday, December 22, 2007
Why do people even feel the need to drink or to “excessively” eat, shop, watch television, play computer games, working, ect. Some will say theses are the joys of life, where alive to enjoy theses things! Without theses things what would be the point to living???
If all these superficial things was the whole point to life! Then would that not make your life superficial, and ultimately pointless? For some people this is how they feel, pointless! “This is how I felt”! So for those who can’t find contentment in this trivial-mediocre life-style, we turn to drowning out our thoughts with addiction [whatever form of addiction you have].
I spoke to a carpenter once, we had got into a small argument, about how he work so hard and that he was in-title to have his addictions. So I said “yes”, “with out these things life would be pointless”. He became silent. As if it had hit those longing question to which he shut out a long time ago, his answer was “well yeah” that was his right, “And rightly so”.
Some people may say I’m being negative, so I’ll put it in terms of negative and positive words.
Here are a few words to think about: negative- SUPERFICIAL, TRIVIAL, positive- SIGNIFICANT, INSIGHTFUL. Taking into considering the majority of people and their concerns and their actions, what words suites our society the most???
Are people spending their time on the superficially- trivial aspects of life or things with significance and insight to them.
Lets check out some of these activities that are playing a major role in our society, “and to a lot is considered very imperative to life”.
1. Sports is one of the biggest role playing ideology in our civilization.
2. Social gatherings with intoxication as the central point of congregation.
3.Idolization of sports and movie stars who set some of the worst moral and destructive habits in life.
4. Movies, television soaps, music, media with a central theme of sex as one of the main topics.
5. Sex.
Now ask your self deeply, don’t look around the room to see what other people are doing. Just ask your self “are these things in the ultimate scope of our humanity really significant or insightful”? or are they superficial and trivial????
Are these things really helping us as “HUMAN BEINGS”
Negative word:
1. Concerned with or understanding only the obvious.
2. On, near, relating to, or affecting the surface of something.
3. Shallow in character or attitude.
4. Swift and not thorough.
5. Only seeming to be real or the case.
6. With little significance or substance.
Positive word:
1. The ability to see clearly and intuitively into the nature of a complex person, situation or subject
2.A clear perception of something
3.The ability of a person to understand and find solutions to his or her personal problems.
From my observations and experiences of our civilization the words that suit our society the most is superficial and trivial. Most have no real deep understanding to life, and a lot of the knowledge available is about the outwards appearance of life, “just dead matter”. Sports! which plays a major part in every culture today, is supported by the countries leaders and people to promote a strong sense of town, state and national pride. Now let me ask! “When you die”! “Is being Australian”, “American”, “Chinese or an English man or woman going to really matter”? How about what color skin you have? Will that matter? Lives based on reality like national pride is in the end! Empty, devoid of any real permanent reality.
Just names! Temporarily given too an impermanent external body of matter. It really doesn’t matter what belief a person has, whether you believe in heaven or hell, in reincarnation and karma, or that this is it mate one chance is all you get. Associating with the idea that you are a particular race, tradition, sex or religion in the end it just does not matter, not unless you think there’s an Australian heaven or hell. Or that when you get reincarnated you’ll always be an Australian, or maybe you think when you die you’ll be in an Australian non-existence! If you have some intelligence you’ll know this is stupid?
People do have some deeper concerns then sports, idols and sex. Like a genuine concern to help other living entity’s, But most people feel helpless and unable to really do anything. Ultimately they them selves are suffering and in fact can’t do much to help.
My parents, mostly my mother does love me and has my best interest at heart, they did there best to guide me in life. They could only guide me according to the knowledge that they themselves had been thought, Not just my parents but my teachers as well propagated this “truth” you know just concentrate on your studies; get a good grade ECT, ECT. And then you can be happy, “STOP” So your saying if I do all this I’ll be happy. So then! Why aren’t you guy’s happy. As a teenager all I saw is this constant struggle for more and more, so they say, “yes at the start it’s a struggle”, “but in the end you’ll be happy”. But what end are they talking about? From what I saw there was no end to this struggle, just this false hope that in the “end” everything would be better. Well is it?
For my parents I can say no its not, lets check it out since I was in high school to now. They are now divorce, my mother is still struggling very hard if not more. My father has major health problems and on top of it he is also struggling, are they happy? They have their ups and downs as they would say. But I would say over all they are tired! And I certainly don’t see any happiness not even contentment, just plain old worn-out.What is this end their talking about to me it seems to mean death, as the saying goes rest in peace. No more struggle, but honestly how do they know? From what authority do they have to say that after death there’s no more hard-ships. Can they really make a guarantee on that, a solid promise that that’s the absolute truth?
Maybe! Maybe not, who knows right? Just watch some TV and don’t think about it too hard mate, Just lighten up relax dude don’t take things so seriously.
But hey there’s nothing wrong in taking the footy seriously, or you’re favourite hobby you know those are things that matter.
This is to all the teachers of the world, mums, dads, leaders,
You are trying to guide people to happiness, BUT IF YOU ARE NOT HAPPY YOURSELVES. WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOU CAN! Before you can give anything to some one else, first you yourselves must have that thing. Whether that may be! knowledge, money, food and most definitely happiness or at best the proper tools for happiness. YOUR TOOLS ARE FAILING YOU!
Look at the world you’re living in, and try seeing it with clearer vision, uncontaminated with lust and greed. Our society and humanity is degrading very- very slowly the only thing improving is technologies, which is making life easier for some and worse for others.
Now you want to pass this on in the hope of your children’s happiness. Check the stats out, more kids “your kids” are turning to alcohol and drugs earlier more so then in the past, their sexual activities are becoming more out of control, Sleeping around from one partner to the next. And YOU are marketing this as the superior culture, a culture that will bring you happiness. But even your very richest are empty devoid of any real substance, just a temporary substandard substance which ultimately leads to emptiness and substance abuse. The proof is all around you just open your eye’s, there is even studies from the united nation showing that the happiest people in the world are from some of the poorest countries in the world. They are more content as oppose to richest who have a never- ending hunger for more.
The researchers for World Values Survey described the desire for material goods as "a happiness suppressant".
They say happiness levels have remained virtually the same in industrialized countries since World War II, although incomes have risen considerably
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
material pangs part 2: what are you addicted to
This is only growing! Why? When we have everything! Or do we?? Do we believe that this is just the way things have to be? Can you really answer these question for yourself?
Now back to the intoxication and the different types of intoxication. What is intoxication? Well for most people its alcohol, drugs, tobacco, caffeine. But check this out for a deeper concept, have you ever considered that shopping could be an addiction? What about eating food? Sex life is that an addiction?
Lets look up what the word addiction means in the dictionary
Ad-dic-tion n
1. A state of physiological or psychological dependence on a drug liable to have damaging effect.
2. Great interest in something to which a lot of time is devoted.
Now check out some of the research into human emotion and how some of the recent studies show that the peptides produce in the brain acts like a drug similar to morphine.
Understanding Human
by James V. McConnell - Psychology - 1986 - 11 pages
opioid peptides. And when you learn how these natural analgesics work, ...
Wei and Horace Loh suggests that the enkephalins are as addictive as morphine. .
Brain opioid peptide systems are known to play an important role in motivation, emotion, attachment behaviour, the response to stress and pain, and the control of food intake.
Now taking all this into account if the peptides created by our brains is as addictive as morphine, then the simple feeling of going shopping can be an addictive drug . In my opinion as the dictionary second terminology states: Great interest in something to which a lot of time is devoted. If we are meditating on something a lot and cant stop thinking about that thing then it is an addiction. So with a new definition on addiction, now the question is what are you addicted to?We are all addicted, whether it be watching movies, television, eating, shopping, drugs, coffee, relationships or a mixer of all of the above. Whatever addiction we are absorb in, its main purpose is to dull your mind and to forget those bigger question that no one seems to be able to answer. I believe the metaphor is sticking your head in the sand, deep down you know these question need an answer. And it’s the leaders responsibility to provide this knowledge to its people, instead they dodge the answer and reply “don’t bother about it just enjoy life”.
As the saying goes “everything” in moderation - what on earth does that mean anyway? . So on Monday I’ll have a bit of alcohol! on Tuesday I’ll have a little bit of cocaine! And on Wednesday I’ll sleep with a couple of women. I think you get the point, the emphasis is not on moderation, but on everything.
In a society that’s about making more money the focus is on “more” not the “money” its about having many things, just have a bit of this and bit of that! until there’s a lot.
Mod-er-a-tion (n)
1. the state in which something remains moderate rather than becoming extreme or excessive
2. the limiting, controlling, or restricting of something so that it becomes or remains moderate.
So you may be moderate with one particular thing but add all those things up and you will see - we live in extreme states of juggling one thing after another. And as the dictionary term states extreme and excessive is not moderation.
Let’s be honest, is the society we are living in! really based on moderation? Just look around and you will find the answer is “NO”. Everything we do is getting to be from one extreme to another. As the saying goes, “give them an inch and they’ll take it a mile”. How do we find a happy medium – is it even possible. Well for starters there are certain things we need to steer clear of – none of this rubbish about moderation. Just because you can doesn’t always mean you should! Take drinking for example. Everyone knows exactly where this pastime takes you. Let’s address why we “need” alcohol in the first place. Social lubricant anyone? Make men brave, make women loose.
Lets be real do you really believe that the current society is a moderate one? Look around - are we living moderately according to the dictionary terms. Or have we pulled the wool over our eye’s with this new-age mumbo jumbo saying “everything in moderation”.
Humans with all the other living species and ultimately the earth herself is suffering, this is all due to a lack of knowledge from an authorise source.
My point to all this, is not to be negative or to focus on the “negative” but to explain some of the thought processes my mind went through. Which ultimately lead me to the destructive cycle of intoxication, whatever intensity and type of intoxication we may have. That is not important, the fact-is an addiction is an addiction, and when we become reliant on something with a temporary and destructive nature that is also outside ourselves. We become trap in a cycle of forgetfulness, “you know mate! You think too much! Just relax and have a beer! It will take all your problems away”. So they think!
Think about it, does this hold some truth? Just look around and ask yourself, “What would happen if ALL forms of intoxication were just taken away”, How do you think people would cope with the reality of modern times. “No real answers” just speculative thought on reality. “It could be this”? “It could be that”??? “No authority”! We have an authority on every subject matter accept for the big questions.
How would people cope! the answer is in fact sheets like the web site before on depression, and please do some research on alcohol and drug abuse, on crime, suicide. You will see it getting worse not better, check out some of these web sites for yourself:
You will find trends of ups and downs, some years better then others. If you really do your research into it, you can see according to how well the society is doing in terms of finance. Some of the problems also follow suit, but some like violent crimes are on the increase. Even then! compared to the sixties to now you can see “slowly” things are getting worse. Why???
Friday, December 14, 2007
Life was not that bad? Really it was pretty good “compared” to most Ok I had some ups and downs. Some good moments some bad moments, but all in all it was pleasant.
Then why was I so unhappy? Materially speaking I had more then I needed, food on the table, a roof over my head, computer games, friends, what more did I need, I even had some aspect of God in my life.
Contemplating life was some thing I use to do a lot off. What was it all about man? I use to think just work, have fun, more work then die! Man what a crappy life with no meaning, and no point! And the fun, or what most called fun, you know playing computer games hanging out at the mall with your friends, doing the old drive by past the strand [beach] for the hundredth time. “COME ON” this is what my intelligence was design to be use for, is this all you need in life? “please”.
As my mind was ticking away I started to feel that no one had any answers, no real satisfactory answers. There were some answers to the questions, like you think too much, don’t worry about it mate just have a beer, God has his plan for you, oh and the best of all we were all just a freak accident by nature. When you think about this a lot it becomes very depressing, no one has any real answers to give.
So you get to choose one of the above choices. Because intoxication stops the thinking process, you can finally drown out those annoying question that just keep popping up. If that doesn’t tickle your fancy then you can choose blindly believing in a god that seems to only favour one particular race, sex, species and culture namely you and every thing related to you. And if that doesn’t grab you, you can choose the “scientific” belief that there is no real point to our existence and your just here by mistake, a freak accident nothing more. So make the most of it while you can, just procreate like the animals to keep the species going, forget that you have higher faculties then the animals. Just use it to do exactly the same thing don’t worry that you destroy the world in the process.
And of course you can choose a little of each? For me I decided the intoxication part more so, and took to smoking, smoking drugs and drinking. I know I’m a sad case!
But still some where in me as I got older those pressing questions got louder and louder.
What happen after that will be for the next chapter, lets return to the reasoning behind my taking intoxication and my overall unhappiness with the answers or lack of answers that most of the total population have to resort to taking some form of intoxication for.
“Truly” from entering the first grade to leaving year ten I was taught the most important aspect to life was getting the best results, so I could get the best job. Why? So I could buy all those necessities that are so important to my survival. Equalling “HAPPINESS”?????
But hold on for one second does money equal happiness? No! Just more free time doing those things that make us happy. Like playing computer games but instead of having just a couple of games I can have them all, not just the games! every console available. Then I will be happy? Forget that when I play for so long I feel sick. But I have money I can find any activity do! I’m free.
Just look at all the other rich people aren’t they happy, lets see! Elvis, mmm drug over dose, Paris alcohol abuse, drug abuse, many unhappy relationships, Kirk-suicide ect. Alcohol-drug rehabs, suicides, endless greed, unhappy relationships, maybe I’m being to negative on the whole subject or “maybe that’s the overall nature of this world we live in” “truth” “reality”. I’m sorry mum, dad but money don’t seem all that great and to the teachers of the world do you really expect all of us to believe this level of life to be the all in all. I’m sorry it’s just not good enough!
0. And for a lot of people it will not be good enough! Here are some facts straight from a authorise web site.
Depression Statistics
0. Depressive disorders affect approximately 18.8 million American adults or about 9.5% of the U.S. population age 18 and older in a given year. This includes major depressive disorder, dysthymic disorder, and bipolar disorder. [1]
0. Everyone, will at some time in their life be affected by depression -- their own or someone else's, according to Australian Government statistics. (Depression statistics in Australia are comparable to those of the US and UK.) [2]
0. Pre-schoolers are the fastest-growing market for antidepressants. At least four percent of preschoolers -- over a million -- are clinically depressed. [3] [Pill-Popping Pre-Schoolers | Even Toddlers Get the Blues]
0. The rate of increase of depression among children is an astounding 23% p.a. [4]
0. 15% of the population of most developed countries suffers severe depression. [5]
0. 30% of women are depressed. Men's figures were previously thought to be half that of women, but new estimates are higher. [6]
0. 54% of people believe depression is a personal weakness. [7]
0. 41% of depressed women are too embarrassed to seek help. [8]
0. 80% of depressed people are not currently having any treatment. [9]
0. 92% of depressed African-American males do not seek treatment. [10]
0. 15% of depressed people will commit suicide. [11]
0. Depression will be the second largest killer after heart disease by 2020 -- and studies show depression is a contributory factor to fatal coronary disease. [12] [Depression Link to Heart Disease | Hostility, Depression May Boost Heart Disease]
0. Depression results in more absenteeism than almost any other physical disorder and costs employers more than US$51 billion per year in absenteeism and lost productivity, not including high medical and pharmaceutical bills. [13]
To check for your self here is the web site:
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